Digging Deep in the Word

If you’ve been a Christian for any amount of time, you likely know the struggle is real when it comes to devotions and Bible study.  We struggle in various ways – whether it be finding the time, or maybe deciding where to start, or maybe you find time and even start but can’t seem to get anything out of it.  I’d venture to say we’ve all been there are time or two.

That’s why I’m so excited to be teaming up with two college friends of mine at Creating Kilter and Young Housewife to bring you a series on “Digging Deep in the Word.”

It’s one thing to read your Bible to check it off a religious list of sorts.  It’s another to read it for relationship with Jesus.  My goal is to always draw closer to Jesus in every venture I set out on when studying the Bible.

Let’s start out by getting this out there in the open.  This is not an area of my life I have “arrived” in by any means.  I still struggle with at least one, and at times, all of the above mentioned areas.  But there have been a few things that I have picked up along the way and found to be helpful.  And, hopefully you can find something here to encourage you.

So let’s address these struggles…

  • Finding Time
    • Truth is, that just as any other important area of life, you don’t just miraculously “find” time one day.  You have to make time for it.  It might be in the morning.  It might be at night.  And it may just be the few minutes you can catch while the kids are napping.  No matter what time of day it is, it’s important to set that time aside.
    • Accept that seasons of life will affect how long you have to spend in the Word.  Some times, I have hours to pour over it and I have loved those times.  Other times, I’m doing good to get fifteen minutes in.  Either way, find a time that will work for your schedule, and make it happen.
  • Deciding Where to Start
    • You may not necessarily think about this first, but what kind of person are you?  Do you enjoy variety?  Or do you like constant?  Do you like to change things up?  Or do you like the long game?  Here’s why I ask.  I like variety.  I get bored easily.  I need things to keep changing to hold my interest.  With that in mind, I choose studies (topics or books of the Bible) that will last either a couple days or a week or two.  This holds my interest and keeps me growing closer to Christ.  Now, if you’re someone who likes the long game, maybe you would do better with a 90 day Bible reading plan or reading the Bible through in a year.  While I have done reading plans such as those, I’ve noticed I struggle with maintaining interest and end up reading for the sake of reading rather than my ultimate goal – drawing closer to Jesus.
    • I highly recommend having a study aid of some kind.  These can vary so much.  Ultimately, finding something that works well for you will probably be somewhat of a process of trial and error.  Here are a few different things you could try:
      • The Daily Walk Bible
        • This would be great for a person who wants to do more than just read the Bible, but they like more of a long term plan.  It has great daily devotions, book overviews, historical insights, and personal application.
      • Study & Prayer Journal
        • a variety of journals will guide you through whatever topic or book of the Bible you are navigating through
        • others such as this Proverbs 31 study lead you through a specific topic.
        • one such as this Write the Word Journal is a daily journal with Scriptures each day to journal about
      • Illustrated Faith / Bible Journaling
        • This is something that I am JUST starting to get into.  I have always loved writing in my Bible and this is right up my ally
  • Getting Something
    • If you’re struggling to really get something from the Word when you sit down to read, I’ve found it could be a variety of things.
      1. Time of Day/Environment
        • It’s good to get alone and quiet with God.  Find your spot.
      2. Study Tools
        • Maybe you need something new.  Try something you haven’t done before.  Do a short term study.  Do a word study (just use the concordance in the back of your Bible) on something either you are interested in or struggle with.
      3. Heart/Mind
        • I think that most of the time when I am struggling to get something from the Word it’s either because I am distracted by too many other things or my heart just isn’t where it needs to be.  The remedy to this, while very simple, is key – gut wrenching, honest prayer.  No other “fix” will work if the heart is the problem.  Don’t get discouraged.  Just go to your prayer closet and pour it all out at Jesus feet.
        • While prayer is key to getting our hearts and minds to where they need to be, I also find that music will draw my heart to God when I am really struggling.  So, next time, try listening to, singing, or playing some music that will draw your heart to God before you begin your time in the Word.

Now that we’ve addressed these struggles that are real, next time I’ll share with you  what I’ve been up to lately.  Be sure to stop by Creating Kilter & Young Housewife for more tips on digging deeper in the Word.

Don’t forget to leave a comment below on your favorite ways to get into your Bible!

9 thoughts on “Digging Deep in the Word

  1. Love this! My favorite part is “It’s one thing to read your Bible to check it off a religious list of sorts. It’s another to read it for relationship with Jesus.” That’s so well put. I really appreciate what you said about recognizing what season of life you are in. That is something I struggle with for sure!

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