Digging Deep in the Word | Lessons from Andrew

As promised last week, today I’ll be sharing with you a snippet of what I’ve been studying from my personal devotions lately.  I’ve mentioned one of my very favorite ways to study is by using a prayer journal, and that’s what I have been using.  You can read more about how I discovered my prayer journal when I wrote on getting real about time in God’s Word.  To give you an idea of what my time in the Word looks like, I’ll give you a very personal snapshot of what my devotions looked like as I was studying through Christ’s Disciples the other day and read about Andrew.

Today’s Reading:  John 1:35-42, 6:1-15 {Andrew}

What word or phrase in today’s reading speaks to your heart?

The two disciples heard him (John the Baptist) speak, and they followed Jesus.  (1:37)

This he (Jesus) said to prove him: for he (Jesus) himself knew what he would do. (5:6)

How does today’s reading directly relate to your life right now?

I want others to follow Jesus because of me.

I feel like Jesus has been asking me questions lately about how I am going to handle challenges and trials in my life… and I’ve been answering more like Philip than Andrew.  John 6:7-9 says, “Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?”

How is God calling you respond to what you’ve read today?

Think about how my speech affects those around me.

Stop and consider the questions God has been posing to me regarding the challenges and trials of life.  Rather than talk about what I can’t do or don’t have I need to reply with what I do have and can do.  Andrew still didn’t see how that little could feed so many, but he offered Jesus what they had rather than a complaint and talking about what they didn’t have.

Your own additional thoughts/meditations:

Dear God, thank you for your word and the wisdom and counsel of it.  Thank you for the reminder that YOU ALREADY KNOW what you’re going to do about each and every situation we are in.  I guess what is overwhelming me the most lately has been… But I know I have been more like Philip.  All I have been doing is telling you, myself, and others what we don’t have or can’t do.  Forgive me.  Change my attitude.  Help me be more like Andrew, offering you the little I do have and trusting you to do great things with it.

This method of personal devotions has real life application for me.  The very day that I did this study, I found myself complaining about how much “life” costs and how little we had and how there’d never be enough to cover the upcoming expenses.  The Holy Spirit immediately convicted me and reminded me of how my thought patterns and speech were not leading anyone to follow Jesus.  I repented and asked God to change my heart and attitude – again!  That very night, I came across a bunch of barely used maternity clothes that fit perfectly for only a fraction of what I would pay for them normally.  I don’t think that was by chance.  I know that is God showing me that the principles which held true hundreds of years ago still hold true today.  He is a faithful provider.

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